BirdDogBot 1.16 has just been released and we have some awesome new features for our members!
In this update, you’ll find that we now support the ability to bulk import deals for analysis. This means you can queue up a bunch of properties for BirdDogBot to analyze from virtually anywhere! This includes exporting a list of addresses from MLS, entering your own from other sites, or even just analyzing any random properties your heart desires!
Check out this video demonstration on how to use this feature and find out about the other features we’ve added as well:
We’re implementing features our users have requested so we’re super-excited to get these abilities out to them. If you have any you would like us to add, let us know.
Post a comment below and let us know what you think!
Can a Feature or a Search Criteria Like Vacan Houses in general Can be added to the BirddogBot System
I entered credit card clickbank and got confirmation,but could not download program. I was taking advantage of $7 for 14 days then into $47. mo.. Jerry
Hi Carl,
You can download the software here on our download page located at
If you have any other technical support related questions, please email as we respond to those questions first as they are our top priority.